Neville often says that assumptions, when persisted in, harden into fact. How can we establish beneficial assumptions and maintain them?

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1. Assumptions may be held relatively consciously or subconsciously, in the background of the mind.
2. Try to observe, bring to light, and dissipate detrimental background assumptions.

3. Cultivate a positive ?feeling tone? as the result of an affirmation exercise: focus on one specific goal.

4. How to deal with several aims that are concurrent, in different scales, different targets?

5. Advice of Robert A. Russell. (see Biblical ref.)
6. Advice of Neville is parallel. (see ref.)
7. How is it that multiple affirmations could be contained in a background assumption??
8. Beneficial to maintain a positive assumption: no downside; catch the odd moments; switch it on.
9. Incorporate the disciplines of mind [E05]; e.g., thankfulness; and throw off the ?old man?.
10. The whole idea of the assumption... you can?t approach a mysterious thing directly.
11. Perhaps in some mythical Golden Age, self consciousness was the norm.
12. Your experimentation with assumptions and other techniques will be individual.

Biblical quote. Phill. 2:5-6
?Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.?

Prayer - The Art of Believing, Ch. 7 ~Neville
?Our subconscious assumptions continually externalize themselves that others may consciously see us as we subconsciously see ourselves, and tell us by their actions what we have subconsciously assumed of ourselves to be. Therefore let us assume the feeling ?I AM Christ? ? .

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