The deliberate use of the imagination has a healing effect. We want to explore this idea.

Show Notes

1. Key revelation: deliberate engagement of imagination in speaking has healing effects.

2. Nicoll: instructed by Gurdjieff that consciousness is healing in its effect.

3. Neville: advocated ?revision? -- to remake a past event to effect healing. Testimonials are published.
4. Biblical quote: ?My word shall not return unto me void.?
5. Why don?t we use this faculty? We don?t have a balance in both hearing and expression.
6. There is a spectrum: Unconscious/mechanical hearing and reception of information...
7. By contrast... deliberate/conscious hearing and creative expression.
8. Consciously creative talking is sorely lacking in our understanding and practice.
9. Popular culture does not promote intelligent communication.
10. Technology, while practical, can have a deleterious effect.
11. Necessary to receive ideas, reformulate and then express them for personal relevance.
12. E.g, Jung would do (amateur) art and sculpture for its therapeutic, psychological benefit.
13. E.g., You have to express (write down, paint, etc.) dreams to give them form and work with them.
14. Summary: deliberate, mindful use of the faculties of reception/hearing and expression.
15. Past use of diaries.
16. In using these practices, people are self-healing.
- The first aspect: find and destroy detrimental narratives.
- The second aspect: Create (perhaps more difficult!)
17. Image: the old films of great dictators. Take it psychologically to redeem this picture.
18. Neville: ?I remember when? -- perfect example of an orator, using vivid description, to create.
19. I started out... in E16 and more at length in E20, investigative reporter Jon Rappoport conducted interviews with ?Jack True?, whom he described as the most innovative hypnotherapist he had ever met.

?I?ve written hundreds of articles that attempt to stimulate imagination, I?ve had to take into account the resistance...The word "will" has been pretty much removed from the modern vocabulary...To live through and by imagination is a choice, taken or not taken in freedom.?

Jack True:
?A person pretends, on some level, that all this business about imagination doesn?t mean much at all. But actually it?s very, very big. The trance he?s in is all about not using his imagination. That?s how he says no. He falls asleep. He walks around, but he?s asleep. He?s asleep IN A PARTICULAR WAY. He is asleep when it comes to imagination. Which means he?s asleep when it comes to the core of existence!?

Jon Rappoport Interview with ?Jack True? (pseudonym) part 1 of 3

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