A series of points to consider for our daily practice lead to the realization that the law of conscious development we are engaging with is impersonal.

Show Notes

1. “I don’t criticize; I don’t judge; I don’t complain.” Follow this, and save energy to be usefully redirected. 

2. Single point of awareness, non-identification, opens a path of escape: you are not “that person”.

3. Apply imagination to reach conscious solution: be self-persuaded as to your nature and identity.

4. You might work better at night.

5. This kind of experimentation is self-motivated learning; it engages the active mind.

6. Now is the accepted time; the eternal present is waiting for you to move into the desired state.

7. In earlier episodes we surmised Neville’s world view; we have a view of life and its conduct.

8. We perceive that the universe responds with certainty; the law of conscious growth is impersonal.

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